
Join The Family

Join The Family

Join The Family!

Your support not only empowers the individual – it has the power to transform an entire family’s wellbeing and uplift their community.

In turn, you will become a vital member of Children of Uganda’s family. We really do love fostering connections between our beneficiaries and people just like you. These bonds can become life-long and life-changing.

[button title=”Partner with a Family” link=”/family-empowerment/” target=”” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” color=”” font_color=”#ff7827″ size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”cta-3″ download=”” rel=”” onclick=””] [button title=”Sponsor A Child” link=”/join-the-family/become-a-sponsor” target=”” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” color=”” font_color=”#ff7827″ size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”cta-3″ download=”” rel=”” onclick=””] [button title=”Join The Leadership Circle” link=”/join-the-family/leadership-circle” target=”” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” color=”” font_color=”#ff7827″ size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”cta-3″ download=”” rel=”” onclick=””] [button title=”Heart-to-Heart Connections Tour” link=”/join-the-family/heart-to-heart” target=”” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” color=”” font_color=”#ff7827″ size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”cta-3″ download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

If you’re unable to make a financial contribution, there are other ways to join us too! You can like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to join our growing online communities, volunteer your time at a local fundraising event or apply for an internship at our U.S. office. Our need for volunteers and interns changes on an ongoing basis, so please contact us at info@childrenofuganda.org to inquire about current opportunities.