Exciting news for our child sponsors! You can now access Children of Uganda’s new Sponsor Portal in partnership with GiveCloud. An account has already been created for you with the e-mail you provided, so now all you need to do is set up a password to claim it. Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to: https://childrenofuganda.givecloud.co/account/reset-password

Step 2: Enter the e-mail address you provided us for your account.

Step 3: Check your e-mail for a message from Children of Uganda titled “Your Login Link” and then click the link to enter a password of your choosing.

Step 4: Once you create your new password, you will be able to see your billing and payment information, as well as sponsorship updates.

Step 5: To view your sponsored child’s timeline with photos, letters and written updates simply click on “My Sponsorships” and then select the child’s profile you would like to view. Here’s a sample of what you can expect to see:

Once you claim your account, for future sign-in you can click the login button below or type https://childrenofuganda.givecloud.co/ into your web browser.

Just click on “My Account” in the upper right hand corner of the page to enter your e-mail and password:

We're Here For You

If you experience any trouble accessing your account or do not see your sponsored student linked to you after logging in, please e-mail nicole@childrenofuganda.org or call the office at (800) 531-9612 and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

We hope that this new line of communication will connect you with your student in a deeper, more direct and meaningful way. If you have any feedback or questions, please let us know. We created this for YOU and we want you to get the very most out of it.