
Become a Sponsor

A child is waiting…
for someone like you.

To receive a quality education is a life-changing gift, but for a child to also know in their heart that they are valued and loved by their sponsored family is profoundly transformative.

When you choose to sponsor a child, you will help give them a quality education, food and a safe place to live. Your monthly or annual contributions will provide tuition and fees, uniforms, school meals and access to basic medical care at boarding school.

Expand Your Family

We currently have over 250 active sponsors across the country and the world. You can join the Children of Uganda family now by welcoming a child into your life today!

We find that pairing our students with two sponsors increases financial security for the child, as well as for the organization as a whole. While we strongly advocate for co-sponsorship, full sponsorship is also available for those who wish to be their child’s sole sponsor.

If you would instead prefer that our team pair you with a child in need, please choose from any of the following options:

Full Sponsorship of a Student


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Co-Sponsorship of a Student


[pricing_item featured=”0″ price=”49/mo” currency=”$”][/pricing_item]

Sponsor a Vocational or University Student

Costs vary by program. Contact us to learn more about this opportunity to ensure a bright young person can fulfill their dreams for the future.

“It is amazing and lovely how the journey of sponsorship grows into family.”

– Paul Zaake, COU sponsored university graduate

We encourage sponsors to visit their sponsored child, the school they attend and their family in Uganda whenever possible. This is to build an even closer relationship between the sponsor, child and guardian. It is incredibly motivating for a child to meet their sponsor and often results in improved performance in academics, as well as a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

For those who are unable to travel to Uganda – worry not! The vast majority of our sponsors have never made the journey and yet are able to foster enduring and meaningful relationships with their sponsored child. Our sponsors receive access to a private online portal where they can see timeline updates (photo, video, letters and grade reports) for their sponsored student(s). We also encourage you to correspond so you have the opportunity to share and learn about one another’s lives.

In addition, you will receive our bi-monthly Sponsorship Spotlight mailing (exclusive to sponsors) with updates and highlights on the lives of our students.