
Leadership Circle

In 2015, Children of Uganda (COU) established The Leadership Circle to commemorate our 20th anniversary year of service and to recognize our most loyal and generous donors beyond sponsorship.

Each organization or individual honored below has demonstrated time and again their unparalleled generosity on behalf of our children, their families and impoverished communities across Uganda. COU’s widespread impact in education, livelihood support, healthcare, empowerment and more over the span of our 27-year history would not have been possible without this special group of people.

They are truly leaders who have paved the way for remarkable good in the lives of those we serve and the world as a whole.

A Note From Our Members

“We are excited to participate in helping children and their families through Children of Uganda. We have seen, over our many years of support, the difference a quality education and loving care has made in the lives of these young people. We love reading letters from the students and discovering what they are passionate about.

Supporting women in their efforts to become more independent financially and to help their families become more secure as a result of their hard work is very uplifting. Hearing these success stories and seeing the progress they are making with the small gifts that they are given is motivation enough to continue our support.

Making a small difference in one person’s life is important – so that they can go on to help others and keep passing it on. Thank you to Children of Uganda for this tremendous work. It is our joy to walk alongside you in these efforts.”

-Kathryn and Michael Hanley

Pictured left to right: Nicole and Connor Hanley, Kathryn and Michael Hanley, Casey Hanley Cotter and her husband, Brian.
[article_box target=”_blank” image=”8210″ title=”We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with travel technology leader, Hotel Engine, within its Corporate Social Responsibility Program. Launched in 2021, the CSR program supports organizations in the areas of education, the environment, women and children and now social justice. Hotel Engine has pledged to sponsor the education and daily care of 8 Children of Uganda students over the next 3 years so they can focus on achieving the lives they deserve. ” link=”https://childrenofuganda.org/new-partner-hotel-engine-sponsors-8-students/” slogan=”Children of Uganda proudly partners with Hotel Engine”]

We thank every single one of our beloved Leadership Circle members for sustaining us and playing such a vital part in our growth. On behalf of our entire family—we would like to honor and thank the following, generous supporters:

Cynthia Anthony

Richard Baks

Robert and Susan Bell

Deborah Blanchard

Ellen Boudreau and Charles Hoke

Jane Brannon (In Loving Memory)

Pamela Brannon

Robin and Connie Broadfield

Patricia Burdick

Cesare Calari and Jennifer Johnson

Donna Campagna

Christians for Change Baptist Church

Patrick and Amanda Conran

Shirley Craig

Brett and Jenine Cravatt

Peter Carter and Craig Lustig

Patricia Davies

Emily Dial

Catherine Easley

Tim and Marsella Fults

Georgetown Presbyterian Church

Joan Given

Claude and Ellen Goldenberg

Michael and Kathryn Hanley (The Hanley Foundation)

Ralph and Cheryl Hargrow

Susan B. Hayes

Richard and Emily Heard

Hotel Engine

George Howell, III

Rob Hoxton, IV and Mary Logan Hoxton

Jimmy and Sheila Jenkins

Jennifer Keller

The Kolschowsky Foundation

Abigail Marshall and Landis Zimmerman

Brian and Debra McCallin

Shawn and Kristi McLaughlin

Frances McVittie

Gregory and Eileen Milzcik

Anwar Musa

Sharon Noteboom

Janet Olajide

Keith and Pat Orme

Dominique Phung

George Rutherford

Jan Smart

Ken and Lisa Smith

Crystal Stainrod

Frank and Brigitte Sterrett

David Vaughn

Nathan and Alison Webb

Tom and Elise Wilkes

Elsa Walsh and Diana Woodward (Woodward Walsh Foundation)